Posted: November 10, 2015
Topic: Unit 3 - Square Roots and Surface AreaNon-Calculator Quiz Preparation (Thursday, Nov. 12): Sections 1.1 (Square Roots of Perfect Squares) and 1.2 (Square Roots of Non-Perfect Squares)You will find a "Mid-Unit Review" on page 21 of MMS9; questions #2 to #11 are all good practice questions to use to prepare for Thursday's quiz. Try to do the following questions without a calculator: #2, #3, #4ac, #6, #7abc and #8The answers to the Mid-Unit Review are on pages 469 / 470.)DONT FORGET - Outstanding homework assignments are due by Nov. 12. This is your last oppotunity to submit them before the Term 1 report card!(Click on the link below for today's lesson.)