Mr. Hallihan - Archived 09/19

MATH HELP... Tuesday's at 12:30 - 1:00 & Wednesday's at 3:30 - 4:30

Posted: May 20, 2014

This is what I will be using to mark the upcoming presentations.  Format: 20 - 25 minutes in length decide as a group what program (PowerPoint, Prezi, SMART, MovieMaker). must have an activity no longer 5 minutes introduction, history/background, each participant presents on their topic, activity, summary Schedule: Tuesday, May 27 - Group #1:  Sarah Martin, Chase Corcoran, Emily Dawson, Alyssa Knight                               Group #2:  Jared Mullin, Zach Legere, Justine Girouard, Jacob Smith, Jonathan Ginnish Wednesday, May 28 - Group #1:  Rebecca Matheson, Julia Augustine, Brianne McKay, Kaitlyn King                                     Group #2:  Zach Adams, Sereena Rambaran, Bryson Savard, Devan Sharma  Thursday, May 29- Group #1:  Myles Messer, Taylor Jennings, Makayla Newman, Aidan Boudreau  
PDF icon env._sci._120_-_presentation_rubric.pdf230.49 KB

Posted: May 16, 2014

Last opportunity to work on research paper and ask questions...due on Tuesday first of class!

Posted: May 15, 2014

This will be how I will be marking your paper that is due on Tuesday, May 20th beginnning of class!
PDF icon intro_to_es_120_-_research_rubric.pdf64.12 KB
We checked out Zach's video on the salmon scale lab and Sereena's DIY lab presentation...both have been posted.  Today we discussed the structure of the river and the factors that influence fish migration.  Be sure to get the 4 classifications of water currents found in a river.  Included rubric being used to mark your research paper...HOMEWORK:  In computer lab tomorrow so bring materials to work on research paper/eco-point activities
PDF icon env._sci._120_per._4_-_may_15.pdf12.72 MB
This video is currently being processed. Please wait.
Thanks to Zach Legere for creating this video summary of the lab we did on Tuesday...if you were absent be sure to check it out!

Posted: May 15, 2014

Thanks to Sereena for sharing this 'Do-It'Yourself' lab...the edible water bottle.  Be sure to check out her video link in the end...
File edible_water_bottles.pptx1.69 MB
Reviewed notes that were given on Friday.  Also discussed presentation done in Ocean Science on Atlantic Salmon:  Life Cycle, Anatomy, Adaptations and Populations.  Be sure to check it out! Discussed the idea of Stewardship and its value to the environment.HOMEWORK:  Work on paper & eco-points
PDF icon env._sci._120_per._4_-_may_14.pdf1.86 MB
We discussed the background information on the lab.  In the lab, we looked at two different scales and tried to age the fish.  Be sure to do PART B of the lab!Homework:  Part B due at beginning of class
PDF icon env._sci._120_per._4_-_may_13.pdf579.51 KB

Posted: May 12, 2014

Target is 300 points signed off.

Posted: May 12, 2014

Groups have been established and presentation order will be decided on May 20th.  Format: -  20 to 25 minutes in length -  each member must present their research -  activity with the class on your theme. -  summarize group findings  


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