Mr. Hallihan - Archived 09/19

MATH HELP... Tuesday's at 12:30 - 1:00 & Wednesday's at 3:30 - 4:30

Posted: May 12, 2014

Format... -  title page -  4 to 5 pages in length (12 font, times new roman, double space)      I.  Introduction      II.  Background and History      III.  Pros versus Cons (who is involved, supporting eveidence, include references when needed)      IV.  Your position      V. Summary -  reference page

Posted: May 12, 2014

Continued working on research paper and eco-point activities.  Presentation groups were also announced.  Groups interested in doing a lesson at an elementary school were formed...will take place the week of June 2 - 5th. Reminder of upcoming deadlines... May 20th - Research paper is due May 26th - Presentations will begin June 2 - Ecopoint inventories are due
Notes were given on both of these topics...get a copy.  Be sure to understand the notes!  We also watch a is in the lesson.  Shows the Restigouche and Miramichi rivers.  Be ready to discuss how they differ from each other.HOMEWORK:  Eco-points?  Research Paper?  Deadlines are near...
PDF icon env._sci._120_per._4_-_may_9.pdf1.42 MB
We discussed our homework exercise on predation and the stage of growth for Atlantic Salmon.  Also discussed the Striped Bass and a PowerPoint on Freshwater Fish (included in the lesson). 
PDF icon period_4_-_may_8.pdf11.07 MB

Posted: May 8, 2014

Be sure to take some pictures if you are out fishing or enjoying the river!  Share them on our new Facebook page too... Miramichi Youth Fly Fishing Programs

Posted: May 7, 2014

We worked on research paper and/or eco-point activities...  Important deadline:  May 20th - Research Paper is due May 26th - Presentations will begin June 2 - Eco-point Inventories are due
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Posted: May 7, 2014

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Posted: May 7, 2014

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Checked out this video that highlights all of the stages of development for an Atlantic Salmon...this was the video that was shown during the Miramichi Fly Fishing & Sportsman Show.  Great job guys!


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Added: Fri, Dec 15 2017


Added: Mon, Jan 22 2018