Posted: April 6, 2022
Parent/Teacher and Course Selection Open House, Wednesday April 13th, 2022 5:00pm-7:30pm
5:00-6:00pm—Course Selection—This will take place in the cafeteria and will provide parents and students information on courses and unique learning opportunities offered here at MVHS. It will also be an opportunity for parents to ask questions pertaining to various subject areas and pathways. More information can be found in the tab abover marked "Course Selection."
6:00-7:30pm—Parent/Teacher—Teachers will conduct parent/teacher interviews in their classrooms. If parents wish for a phone or virtual conference, they are asked to contact teachers to arrange for an appointment. Teacher contact information can be found in the tab abover marked "Staff."
5:00-7:30pm—Representatives from the following institutions will be set up in the main lobby to field questions from prospective parents and students:
ASD-N ICE Centre
Crandall University
Mount Allison University
New Brunswick Community College
St. Thomas University
Université de Moncton
University of New Brunswick
Guidance and administration will remain in the main lobby to answer any questions that individuals may have relating to course selection but missed the first hour.
Parent/Teacher, Thursday, April 14th 9:00-11:30am—teachers will conduct interviews from their classrooms. If parents wish for a phone or virtual conference, they are asked to contact teachers to arrange for an appointment. Teacher contact information can be found in the tab abover marked "Staff."