Parent/Teacher, School Store, and Picture Re-Takes

Posted: November 14, 2022


Report cards went home yesterday.  Parent teacher interviews will be held on Thursday, November 17th from 4-6pm and Friday, November 18th from 9-11:30.  Students do not have school on Friday. Students also received a parent letter on how to access attendance and report card marks in Power School. This letter contains your access ID and password. If you have any questions regarding the use of Power School, please call the main office at 627-4083.

New Winter toques and hoodies have arrived at the MVHS SCHOOL STORE. The store will be open on Wednesday at noon and also during parent teacher times for any parents looking for Christmas gifts. Reminder that the store does not take debit. 

Picture retake orders are due at the main office by Nov. 22.  They can also be ordered online.