Posted: October 1, 2010
Thu, Sep 30/10 9:00 pm
Science 10 - Students were given an assignment today in class. Must be completed for Monday's class if it was not finished during class today. The assignment can be found as a note on my teacher page. Reminder of the test next week which will take place on Wednesday, October 6th. If a student misses this test then they must write the first day they are back in class. Reviews will take place on Monday and Tuesday next week.
Science 9 - Students learned about our sun today and some of the effects it has on our planet. They were assigned 2 questions from the handout which are to be completed for Monday. Most students finished them in class. The test next week will be on Wednesday, October 6th and cover all material to date. We will be covering a short section on galaxies Monday followed by a review for the test. The test will cover all material covered in space to date, including material covered in Monday's class. Students should begin studying for the test this weekend. We will go over the review on Tuesday to ensure students are clear on what they have to know and to fully prepare them for the test on Wednesday.