Daily Lessons

Posted: February 7, 2011


Sun, Feb 6/11 8:00 pm
Science 9 - Homework from Friday was corrected in class, answers are now posted on the main feed. Students also started working on their planets project. This is also posted on the main feed for those students who were absent from class today and wish to get a jump on it. Please note that presentations will start on Thursday, February 10th and not Wednesday as is indicated on the assignment.   Biology 112 - Students learned about the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus in class today (see link below) and its importantance on research. We reviewed the organelles of the cell that were assigned for homework in class and also looked at the microscope and how to operate a compound light microscope. Students will be in the lab tomorrow and Wednesday working with microscopes, preparing their own slides, and working on their lab write ups.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU-yq_IJhtU