Daily Lessons

Posted: December 20, 2010


Sun, Dec 19/10 8:00 pm
Science 10 - The work from Friday was reviewed in detail in class. Students are to review the material about position-time graphs and understand the key difference between position-time graphs and distance-time graphs. The key difference is that position-time graphs are dependent on the direction an object travels where as a distance-time graph is not and only depends on the total distance traveled regardless of the direction the object went.   Students in grade 10 science will be given a take home test on Thursday. Students in the period 6 class will have to drop by my class to get it before they leave or find it on my webpage. It must be completed by January 11th and handed in or a mark of zero will be assigned. Students should be able to finish this in about 1 hour. Further instructions and the test itself will be posted in a note on Thursday.   Science 9 - Students learned about pesticides and bioamplification today. Examples were used, including the effects of DDT, and students took part in a demo about bioamplification. No homework was assigned.