Posted: October 28, 2010
Wed, Oct 27/10 9:00 pm
Science 10 - Corrected homework from last class. Started balancing equations. This will most likely be the most difficult topic covered this semester in science 10 so students should ask for help the moment they start experiencing difficulties with it. Homework was assigned and students are expected to at least attempt the homework as the only way to improve their skills on balancing equations is to practice it. We will be spending a few classes covering this concept.
Science 9 - Collected assignments from Tuesday and discussed spontaneous generation with the entire class. Students were then given an exercise on comparing organelles and their functions with items we find in todays world. The exercise is listed below and will be checked tomorrow.
Science 9 Exercise:
To fully understand what each organelle does you are going to try the following activity for the remainder of the class today. You will have to compare the function of an organelle to something we find in today's world. Be sure to explain why we need each specific organelle and the object you compared it to.