Posted: October 25, 2010
Sun, Oct 24/10 9:00 pm
Science 10 - Quizzes from Friday were handed back to those who were present. If a student got less then 15/24 on their quiz they are required to come to science extra help which will be offered starting tomorrow at lunch. Students must work to get the concepts down that they did not understand. Period 1 & 3 started looking at chemical equations today in class and period 1 has homework to complete. Period 6 examined molecular compounds today and will start chemical equations tomorrow. Period 6 has homework as well. Period 1 - page 219, questions 2 - 4. Period 6 - page 204, questions 3 - 6.
Science 9 - Students started cell reproduction today in class. We started with a brief review of the cell and the organelles that are found in it with a focus on specific organelles, namely the nucleus. Students had homework assigned, questions 1 - 4 on page 143, of which almost all were able to finish. Students will be working on an assignment tomorrow in class.