Posted: October 20, 2010
Tue, Oct 19/10 9:00 pm
Science 10 - Students conducted a lab today using tests that are analogous to tests for ions in water samples. Students will have to complete a lab write up for this lab. This will include a title page and the following items: Questions a, b, c on pages 199 - 200 as well as questions 1 - 4 on page 200. This write up will be due Friday and students will have time in tomorrow’s class to work on their write up. Only one copy is due per group!!!
Science 9 - Students were given their test reviews today for the test on Friday. Students then handled the recycling duties of the school today, collecting bins, washing bins, and separating bottles. This will hopefully be a continual event every Wednesday as it will coincide with the ecology unit that will be studied later in the course.