Posted: October 26, 2011
Tue, Oct 25/11 9:00 pm
Math 9 - Period 1 - Students should be working on their tic-tac-toe assignments as part of their review. Students should also start the following questions as part of their review.
Pages 87 -89
# 1(a, c, d, f)
# 3(a, b, c)
#8(a, c, e)
#9(a, b, c)
#11 (a, b)
#12 (a, b)
#13 (b, d)
#14 (a, b, c, d, e, f)
For periods 4 and 6 students should also be working on their tic-tact-toe assignments and should finish until at least question 12 for homework tonight.
Math 10 - Students have two questions from class to complete for homework.