Week 8 - Outdoor Education 110/120

Posted: May 25, 2020

This week we are going to mix outside activities with a little fun.  I challenge you to sign up for the ASDN Virtual Olympics and get back to being a kid. Click on the link below and start your journey today.  https://safeshare.tv/x/8dpZaH7-iiw


Sign up at this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=318rTdLEEUmHCWjML0Zcn0ddVP8s0OlKlGg0AWGQychUQUZLT1lVMTc0UDcwRE1UODZXODJCRkdaSy4u

The Olympics are scheduled for two weeks. Please send your videos and results in to my email.