Posted: December 17, 2014
LAB - Fish Dissection
Many thanks to Holly Labadie (Biologist with Miramichi Salmon Association) for helping us out with the lab today. Also thanks to Cooke Aquaculture for providing two adult salmon and smolts for dissecting. Check out the attached lesson for those of you who missed the lab. Must pass in labelled fish diagram showing the external anatomy by Friday.
Reminder of what needs to be done this week...
1) People still owe their library plan from Monday (was due on Tuesday)
2) Labelled salmon scale from lab on Tuesday (due today)
3) Labelled salmon showing external anatomy (due by Friday)
4) RESEARCH PAPER (due tomorrow...Friday if there is a storm day)
* Those who were schedule to an elementary class tomorrow - we will reschedule until after the New Year if there is a storm day.