LA 10 - Short Story Test

Posted: November 6, 2019

Due Date: 

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Things to prepare for:




·       Know the plot for each of the stories covered. All questions will depend on accuracy of details from the stories to support your answers.


·       Be able to draw a plot diagram for any of the stories. You must be familiar with all of the elements of plot and be able to list them on your diagram.


·       Do all stories follow the same plot diagram?


·       Know the three forms of irony and be prepared to support your answer with examples from the stories.


·       Suspense. It is important that you understand this term and are able to discuss how authors are able to create suspense in their stories. Examples should be included.


·       Know the three forms of point of view. You should be able to state which point of view each story is told in as well as explain what effect it has on the story.


·       You should be able to discuss how “The Monkey’s Paw” and “Click-clack the Rattlebag” are forms of gothic literature.


·       All of the stories have different themes. Be prepared to explain the themes of the stories with details from the text.