Math 9A Semester 1 (Period 1, 2,3)

Posted: November 20, 2022

Nov  21: Monday 

Topic:   Section 2 MID UNIT REVIEW 


    ·      Step 1  Put up the answers to the weekend’s homework (only spend 5-8 minutes on this …don’t give time to copy, tell them the answers are on TEAMS if they need more time to get them down) The link is below called "Thursday Answers HW


    ·      Step 2:  Once you are done going over HW answers, hand out the warmup printout to each student and allow them 10 -15 minutes to complete it on their own.  This can be found on my front counter, use the video to help you find out what sheets you need to hand out.


    ·      Step 3: After most students had time to complete the warmup, then play the video of me going over the warm-up.


    ·       PLEASE PAUSE the video so they can copy stuff down.    

    ·        §  Link to video

    Step 4: Once you are done going over the warmup, hand out the MID UNIT review worksheets.  (These can be found on my front counter, just use the attachment on my teacher’s page to help you find which ones you need to hand out). I posted the answers to the mid-unit review so they can check over their work tonight. 

    REMIND THEM THAT THEY HAVE A QUIZ TOMORROW and that today’s work will help them get ready!

    ·      Please see the following attachments for today's lesson and homework