Posted: November 23, 2022
Thursday, Nov 24th:
Topic: Section 2.3 & Section 2.4 Day 2
- I am away for a meeting Thursday, Nov 24th, so here is my plan for the day
· Step 1 Gover over answers to yesterday’s homework and correct your work. (See attachment below)
· Step 2: Once you are done going over HW answers, play the video lesson. The video is only 14 minutes long but you will have to pause the video so you can copy the laws and examples down. Please make sure you are copying the laws and examples down so you can use them to do the worksheets. Video link:
· Step 3: Once the video is over, please work on the worksheet. It must be completed for tomorrow (See attachment below)
- Please see the following attachments for today's lesson and homework