Posted: March 2, 2012
English 10: The following assignment was given today. It is due the Wednesday after March Break.
Choose to do ONE of the following:
One of the themes of this story is that war is unnecessary, especially when we are fighting our own countrymen - our brothers. The key scene that expresses this message is the end. Think about this scene and create a visual representation of the scene. This can be hand drawn, pencil sketch or in colour. If you prefer not to draw, you can create the scene using programs such as Microsoft Paint, photoshop, or picnik. The key is that it must be created by you.
Watch the short film on the following link:
Imagine that the soldier from the film you just watched, could write a letter to the sniper. What advice would he give him on how to deal with his brother's death?
English 112: Today we wrote an in-class demand piece on "The Lottery". Read the following instructions:
Theme Layers Follow-Up:
Yesterday you completed a theme layers chart. This chart helped you to make connections between the text and your world. Today you will write an in-class demand essay using the chart you have created as your brainstorm.
Your essay will answer the following question:
In the short story "The Lottery", what is Shirley Jackson's message regarding human nature and society?
Be sure to have an introduction and conclusion, and two to three significant body paragraphs. You may use your chart to assist you with writing the body of the essay. Include at least two quotes from the story in your essay. This essay is due in a legible copy at the end of the class. Please staple your chart to the essay and try to remember to double space.