Art 9 - Per 1-2-3

Posted: May 5, 2020

Good morning. This project is called , hand holding globe. I have a black and white copy of the example. From the example you will create something of your choice. Look at the colored example for ideas. If you were holding the globe in your hand and looking into it, what would you see? I need to see a person or cartoon character. I also need to see the arm of that person coming back at the bottom of the globe. See example. When you finish the person/ cartoon character, decide what your background scene will look like. It can be an outdoor scene or an indoor scene. When you finish the drawing, then color it. If you draw Spong Bob, don't forget to color the hand at the bottom yellow, because it's him holding the globe and his hand is yellow. Right? Be creative and have fun. Take care. 

PDF icon hand_holding_globe.pdf310.31 KB
PDF icon example_black_and_white.pdf383.73 KB