Grade 9 Language Arts

Posted: September 13, 2013

Today in class we discussed your reading records and reading goals for the term (now until mid-October) Reading Records Keep these in the reading section of your Writer's Notebooks, and keep track of the novels you are reading. You don't have to fill out the columns on number of pages read or date pages read.   Reading Goals We talked about the importance of setting personal reading goals for yourself, and everyone set two goals for the first term of this semester. The goals should be challenging, but something you think you can achieve in a month. Goal ideas: Read a certain number of books, read something out of your comfort zone, read more each day, read an entire series of books, etc. See me if you need help setting your goals.   In the reading section of your writer's notebook, fill out the following for each goal: 1. Goal: 2. Reason: why did you set this goal? Why is it a challenge? 3. Plan: how do you plan on achieving this goal?