Posted: April 6, 2020
Good Morning,
Welcome back! I want to start by saying that I miss you all, miss our classes and seeing you everyday at school. I want you to know that I am here for you and if you need anything please email me at anytime. (
I have added all students to a class on microsoft teams. You all have access to Microsoft Office for free with your school email account. If possible, login to your and download the app to your device. This will allow us to communicate easily, share ideas, and have conversations!
Students have the choice to participate in home learning oppertunities and are encouraged to read everyday for 30 minutes, and get 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Every Monday I will add new learning activities to my teacher page and Microsoft Teams Classes. Grade 9 students are encouraged to participate in 2 hours of English home learning each week. Grade 11 students are encouraged to participate in 3 hours of English home Learning each week. Every Monday I will post home learning activities, if students wish to participate and want feedback they can foreard their work by email anytime.