Update April 15, 2020

Posted: April 15, 2020

Hello, I hope you are all well

We are a little more than a week in and I think I have contact (through phone or technology) with all of my students except one (which I'm working on that now)



I have decided to use Microsoft Teams as the main platform for online learning.   We can set it up like a vitural 'classroom' and it is pretty user-friendly once you get the hang of if.    

Here is an update for what we are doing in each couse: (for more detailed info visit "Teams" or email me at Barbara.Mutch@nbed.nb.ca)

NRF 10 - Reviewing all types of Factoring techniques.   https://youtu.be/yZm0M8tP8xM 

Foundations 11 - collecting the Trig assign that was due Tues April 14, check over your solutions, start the new unit on Finance (Compound and Simple interest).

Pre-Calc 12a - Sketching Trig functions.  checkup assignment due today. 

Please email if you have any more questions.