Posted: November 30, 2015
TEST TUESDAY Chapter 7Study, review questions attached on a previous post. review questions from Chapter 7 & see the review sheet if necessary on my post from Nov 26P.228-229 # 4,6,9,10,11 et 12Answers for the review questions at the end of the chapter are below4. a)asexuée b) sexuée c)sexuée d) asexuée6. meiose, mitose, meiose, mitose, meiose, meiose9. dessine un exemple de segregation anormal - ex fig 1 page 22210. a ) femelle A b) 9,8,7 c) fertilization d) zygote E11. a) 23 b) meiose - un cellule haploid est produire c) 4612. a) phase 2 b) fertilization (fecondation) c) mitosis d) 23 paires