Grade 9 Math

Posted: June 10, 2020

The next lesson is posted on Ms. Burns' Teacher's Page.  Go to her page to obtain the links to the lesson, work and answers.

This is the note that appears on Ms. Burns' page:


Math 9 Exam Review

Although we did not complete all the required outcomes from Grade 9 Math this semester, we did complete all the essential outcomes required to get you prepared for grade 10 Math.  Today’s post is going to be the regular exam review material I would normally post each year during exam the review week, (except for chapter 9 since we did not have time to cover it).

 Please use the material I post as an assessment tool to ensure you are comfortable with the grade 9 material that was delivered this semester online and to help guarantee you are ready for grade 10 math in the fall.




-    If you have any questions, you can contact me through email or on the remind app.  I will check these daily (not hourly so be patient)

o    Email:


See attachment for Smartlesson and EXAM REVIEW questions

- Answers are included at the end of each lesson