Winter Carnival Changes

Posted: February 18, 2013

Due to the storm, we had to tweak the Winter Carnival Schedule.  Here is the new schedule for Tuesday and Wednesday.  The rest of the week will remain the same. Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 Dress up theme:  Duck Dynasty Day. Everyone will be Happy ,Happy, Happy! Dress in camouflage outdoor wear, and other items that go along with being outdoorsmen.  A minimum of 3 items per student is necessary to qualify for points. Noon hour activity:  Duck Dynasty Style Rock, Paper, Scissor Tournament ( Lecture Theatre).  Each class elects one member to partake in a Pellet, Bread and, Duck single elimination tournament. 1 member is needed per team. Evening event: MVHS Royalty Pageant (Theatre). Event begins at 7 pm. Cost is 5 dollars. Wednesday, February 20th, 2013 Dress up theme:  Favorite Fictional Character Day. Students dress up as their favorite cartoon character.  A minimum of 3 items per student is necessary to qualify for points. Noon hour activity:  Pictionary. (Theatre) One member of each team will go head to head and guess the picture a guests drawing.  It is single round elimination.  Andy Thibodeau will do a presentation in the afternoon during Independent Study/Pd.6.  Students are to go to Independent Study for attendance.  Evening event:  Variety Show (Gym). Event starts at 7 pm.  Cost is 5 dollars. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place members receive points for their teams.