Mr. Hallihan - Archived 09/19

MATH HELP... Tuesday's at 12:30 - 1:00 & Wednesday's at 3:30 - 4:30

Posted: September 6, 2017

Welcome to Environmental Science 120...let's make this a great semester!

#EcoPoints - Follow us on Twitter and/or Instagram, give a shoutout and include a cool picture of the Miramichi landscape...use #ExploreNB to see if they will share it too!

PDF icon sept._6_env._sci._120_period_2.pdf10.92 MB
PDF icon ecopoint_inventory.pdf197.42 KB

Posted: June 9, 2017


Annika - Charles Darwin


Monday, June 12 at 8:45

*** I have attached the Jeopardy for review.  Make sure EcoPoint inventory is passed by the end of today!  GOOD LUCK ON YOUR EXAMS :)

File exam_review_-_jeopardy.pptx248.04 KB

Posted: June 9, 2017


Nick - ISA disease in salmon

Zach - Declining bee population

Karter/Cassidy - Atlantic Salmon Life Cycle

Job well done by to have Mr. Robichaud's Grade 4 students from Saint John as an audience using BEAM technology!

Posted: June 9, 2017

- discussed each test and what to focus on from open response questions.

-  be sure to redo your tests and check/correct your mistakes.

-  search out extra practice within your textbook and/or worksheets.


Period 2 - Monday, June 12 at 12:30

Period 4 - Wednesday, June 14 at 8:45

***Bring text to exam if you have not already passed it in...BEST OF LUCK WITH YOUR EXAMS!

Posted: June 7, 2017

Many thanks to Emma, Tony, Mike and Jonathan for providing instruction on ArcGIS...check out the workshop!

File mvhs_esri_gis.pptx30.81 MB

HOMEWORK:  Worksheet on switching standard into vertex form (a not equal to 1) 8 of the 12 questions!


Image Galleries

Added: Fri, Dec 15 2017


Added: Mon, Jan 22 2018