Ms. Thornton

Early Childhood Services 110 & 120, Fashion Tech & Design 110 & 120, Culinary Tech 110

Posted: April 11, 2017

English 112

  • Finish Act 3, Scene 3 murder suspect chart (homework check)
  • Pass in question at bottom: who do you think is the third murderer? (Value 5) 

Posted: March 29, 2017

English 112

  • Complete question #1 on page 63, as well as either question #2 OR #3 (to be passed in).
  • Begin your Macbeth character diary entry for scene 7. We will have some time to finish this entry tomorrow. 

Posted: March 23, 2017

English 112

  • Complete Macbeth diary entry for Act 1, Scene 3
  • Complete questions 1-4 for Act 1, Scene 3

Early Childhood Services 110 + 120

  • Chapter quiz tomorrow 


Posted: March 21, 2017

English 112

  • Finish film analysis for homework and pass in tomorrow. 

Early Childhood Services 110/120

  • Quiz on Friday.

Posted: March 1, 2017

English 112

  • Due to the snow day and course selection this week, the in-class essay will be moved to the Wednesday after the break.

Early Childhood Services 110/120

  • Continue to plan and communicate with your group as preparation time is running out. Playschool opens Tuesday Mar.14th after the break.

Fashion Technology 110

  • Due to the snow day, the fiber & fabric quiz will be postponed until after the break. 


Posted: February 23, 2017

English 112

  • Memoir Assignment due on Monday Feb. 27th
  • Read non-fiction novel in prepartion for in-class assignment on Thursday March 2nd.

Early Childhood Services 110/120

  • Duo-tang needed for Monday to set up lab reports & begin the planning process with groups.

Fashion Technology 110

  • Fiber & Fabric Powerpoint due Monday Feb. 27th.

Posted: February 17, 2017

English 112

  • Complete Closing Activity on sheet: Skim the highlighted sections of your articles again, and then fill in the "Reexamine" section of your handout. Pass in on Monday.
  • Read non-fiction novel

Early Childhood Services 110/120

  • Development quiz on Tuesday Feb. 21st

Posted: February 15, 2017

English 112

  • Finish reading athlete articles
  • Read non-fiction book
  • AOTW due Friday

Early Childhood Services 110/120

  • Bring in a duo-tang for lesson planning next week

Posted: February 14, 2017

English 112

  • Read non-fiction novel
  • AOTW due on Friday Feb. 17th

Early Childhood Services 110/120

  • Characteristics of a Successful Teacher Assignment was due today

Fashion Technology 110

  • Ironing & Pressing Questions past due
  • Fabric Care Symbol Assignment past due


Posted: February 13, 2017

English 112

  • Reminder to be reading your non-fiction novel. This must be read by the end of the month for an in-class assignment.


Image Galleries

Added: Thu, Dec 1 2016