Poetry Terms in Music

Posted: October 18, 2010

Your assignment for tonight is to print off a copy of lyrics from a song that you really enjoy. When you have printed the lyrics I would like you to make a list of all of the figures of speech that can be found in the song (use the list of poetry terms that I handed out last week). Do not forget to write down the examples of these figures of speech as well.   This assignment is due at the first of class on Tuesday, October 19.   The people who find the most figures of a speech in their song will get to play their song in the class, so if you want your song played you may have to do a bit of searching to find a song that has a lot of these figures of speech in it.   ps   I have attached a copy of the poetry terms handout for those who do not have it at home.
Microsoft Office document icon poetry_terms_handout.doc35 KB