English 122 Homework

Posted: September 24, 2015

Students in my homeroom are reminded to bring back the data collection sheet. Article of the Week due tomorrow at the start of class. Students have read The Doll's House and are working on questions 1- 5. The Doll's House by Katherine Mansfield 1.  Why do all the girls want to see the doll's house?  What does seeing it represent? 2.  How are the Kelveys treated?  Why?  Be specific. 3.  Explain Else's last words. 4.  What are the similarities between the Kelvey children and the Sayla children?  Discuss. QUESTIONS 1 - 4 need supporting evidence. 5.  You have read two stories which deal with children mistreating other children.  Thinking over your own childhood, describe briefly a similar episode.  Students have one week left to complete reading their assigned novel.  I encourage you to complete the novel and then spend some time researching it on-line.  Look at characters, themes, and make sure you have an understanding of the novel.
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