English 122 Homework

Posted: October 30, 2014

The Old Man and the Sea Project due tomorrow   Hamlet  I.ii  questions due tomorrow     Provide line references for each. 1.      Which two sensitive issues does Claudius deal with at the beginning of the scene? 2.     What duty has Claudius given Cornelius and Voltimand? 3.     Hamlet has been depressed over his father’s death.  What does Claudius tell him about the death of a father?  What does Gertrude ask Hamlet to do? 4.     Summarize the main points of Hamlet’s first soliloquy which is full of disease imagery.   I.ii.129-59   5.     What sarcastic remark does Hamlet make to Horatio regarding the funeral and the wedding? 6.     What physical features of the ghost resembles King Hamlet?