English 122 - Soliloquy Assignment

Posted: December 16, 2019


You are to develop a power point presentation which will present and explain/teach the soliloquy/text.


Your power point must provide the following information:


-          show the soliloquy/text


-          explain where and when it happens


-          present a close reading of the soliloquy/text


-          discuss the significance of the soliloquy/text (and clearly explain what is revealed about Hamlet's character)


Points to remember:


-          title slide with your name(s)


-          interactive power point - animation, music, self-timed, etc.


-          limited text per slide (break the soliloquy up)


-          graphics on each slide


-          effort/originality are important


You MUST pass in a print out of your power point (3 slides per sheet)


You MUST pass in a working power point.


You MUST pass in a group % sheet


Value:  50 marks


Due:  December 19th