Project #2 Online Journal... May 1st

Posted: April 30, 2018

Here is what needs to be done today...see attached rubric for how this journal entry will be evaluated (due by end of class).

Online Journal…

-  You are to login to the MakerSpace page and create a NEW static page...use the title "! 2018 Project Title".

-  Either group member can upload pictures and/or videos and/or documents to the MakerSpace page.  However, the group member that created the static page must link the content within the journal. 

-  Be sure to date the journal entry in your static page and put the latest journal entry on the top. 

-  You are to upload your project proposal AND give your first online journal update on project #2.

-  Type your summary/reflection within the static page.  Also include any relevant website links and be sure to link your picture/video uploads.

-  This can also be done at home in case a group member is absent.  My suggestion would be to type the entry in word and upload a document that could be linked in the journal at a later time from the member that is absent.


***When finished...use the internet to search out and plan next steps to your project.  Be great to include this information in your summary/reflection of your journal entry!

PDF icon online_journal_rubric.pdf152.65 KB