!!2017 Green House

Dec. 22nd- Journal #3

In last few weeks, we’ve started to finish up the technology parts of our project. For a while, the Sensehats weren’t working because we had trouble setting up the Sensehat with the Raspberry Pi. So we tried using different Sensehats and custom code we found online. This made the Sensehat work and we can now see the temperature, humidity and pressure. It updates these numbers every minute.

Next, we programmed the Sensehat to display these levels on the LCD screen on the Raspberry Pi. We did this to test the screen to see if it worked. We had no problems setting this up and now it is constantly displaying something while the Raspberry Pi is on.

Right now, we are in the middle of setting the Raspberry Pi and Sensehat to send the real time data to weatherunderground.com. One big problem we’ve had with this is our computer crashed when we were halfway done and had to restart. Now it is almost finished and we will hopefully have this up and running after the break.

 Also, our carpentry and environmental science classes have been hard at work building planter’s boxes, a hydroponic garden tower, and some green houses. Alex and Matthew also set up the solar panels in our greenhouse upstairs. You can see all of our pictures here.


Dec. 4th- Journal #2 

So far in our project we have accomplished setting up the Raspberry Pi 3 with the NOOBS/Raspbian for the Sensehat. We installed the Sensehat software for the Raspberry PI 3, and as well we 3D printed a case for the Raspberry Pi and sense hat, with the 3D printer.

 At first the Sensehat would not connect to the Raspberry Pi 3, and would just not work at all. So we reinstalled the Raspberry Pi Image, reinstalled all the software, but it still didn’t work. After trying a new Sensehat. It started to work again.

 While Robbie worked on the Sensehat and Raspberry Pi, Alexis spent time learning how to code on Code Academy so she can help set up the Pi.

 Instead of buying a Sensehat and Raspberry Pi 3 case, we decided to print our own. We spend quite a bit of time trying to find a case for Raspberry Pi 3 when we realized we could just print one for the 2 since they are the same size. We printed it the first time but messed up the file for the printer and ended up printing two of the same pieces and screwed up the case we actually needed.  We printed the top and the bottom together. We were just going to cut them in half but then decided to just reprint. In the end we now have a beautiful purple case that fits out Sensehat and Raspbbery Pi 3. You can look at some of our pictures here.

Nov. 16th- Journal #1

Project Proposal