National Union of Public and General Employees

Posted: April 5, 2017

National Union of Public and General Employees is offering five scholarships of $1500 each to students who plan to enter the 1st year of a public, post-secondary educational institution full-time in 2017-2018 and who are children/grandchildren, or foster children/grandchildren of a National Union member.  In order to be eligible, one of your parents/grandparents must belong to or retired from one fo the National Union Components or affiliates.  Applications are available in Guidance and online at .  Application deadline is July 7, 2017.

The five scholarships are:

  • National Union of Public and General Employees Scholarship for Visible Minorities

  • National Union of Public and General Employees Scholarship for Aboriginal Canadians

  • National Union of Public and General Employees Terry Fox Memorial Scholarship

  • National Union of Public and General Employees Brian Fudge Memorial Scholarship—eligibility: all those entering a field of study in policing, criminal justice services, community services or health care services. 

  • National Union of Public and General Employees Tommy Douglas Scholarship