
Welcome To Our Page

To: Officials who will be graduating grade 12 and will be attending a registered post-secondary educational institution this fall.

 The NBHOA now awards four (4) academic scholarships, they are named after long time NBHOA officials & directors Jean-Marie Albert, Paul O’Blenis Memorial, Sonny McLellan Memorial and Scott McKay Memorial each for the value of $1000.00 each. 

To be eligible to receive one of these scholarships you must be an NBHOA Official in good standing, a grade 12 student who is graduating and attending a recognized post-secondary institution in the upcoming year. 

To apply for the Scholarship, please submit the following; 

- Completed Application Form 

- Copy of your high school transcript from this year

- Confirmation that you are enrolled/accepted in a post-secondary school for the upcoming year

- Applicant must submit a 500-word essay (double-spaced) to the Selection Committee. The essay should explain how officiating has impacted their life, and please provide examples outlining any community involvement (volunteering, extra-curricular, etc.).

 If selected, the cheque will be issued directly to the recognized post-secondary institution you will be attending in your name in the month of September. Please see the attached application form and letter. 

 Please fill out the attached form and return all material by email before May 1st, 2025.

Each year, offers several $1,000 scholarships to post-secondary students across Atlantic Canada. Since 2004, we have awarded more than $200,000 to deserving students.

About the Scholarship

John Eisner was President & CEO of (formerly Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada) for nearly 30 years. He believed strong financial literacy is the cornerstone of future financial freedom and was commited to fostering financial literacy in young people. 

John immortalized the phrase “we can help,” and the John Eisner Financial Literacy Scholarship aims to carry on this legacy by providing students with the skills and habits needed to minimize post-secondary debt and use credit wisely.

The deadline for this year’s application submissions is May 4th, 2025.  All submissions must be made through our website by clicking “Apply Now” and completing the entry form with the link to their original video included.


Scholarships for Post-Secondary Students l

Rick and Amanda Hansen believe that people of all abilities should have the right to a barrier-free education. The Rick & Amanda Hansen Scholarship for Youth with Disabilities, funded generously by the April 1 Foundation, provides financial support to Canadian youth with disabilities to pursue post-secondary education.

This scholarship aims to make a profound impact on the lives of Canadian youth with disabilities by removing financial barriers and supporting career aspirations through post-secondary education.

Funding of up to $10,000 per year (up to a maximum of $40,000) is available for youth with disabilities looking to complete a 1- to 5-year post-secondary program at a publicly funded institution in Canada.  

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must be:

  • A person with a disability, defined as a functional limitation – whether permanent or episodic – that is compounded by barriers. Attitudinal and physical barriers can prevent the student’s equitable access to meaningful participation in post-secondary education.
  • A Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
  • Eligible for domestic tuition at a publicly funded post-secondary institution or training program at a public university, college or institute in Canada.
  • Under 30 years old as of May 14, 2025.
  • Enrolling full-time in the eligible academic year for a 1- to 5-year post-secondary program.
  • Enrolling in a publicly funded Canadian institution.
  • Not receiving other financial awards that total more than $2,500 per year (excluding student loans and automatically awarded entrance scholarships).  
  • Responsible for ensuring that any funding received from the Rick & Amanda Hansen Scholarship will not negatively affect the status of any benefits and subsidies that they
    are eligible for. 

Application Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Demonstrate alignment with Rick & Amanda Hansen’s values of perseverance, inclusivity and being a difference maker;
  • Clarity of career goals and alignment with the chosen academic program;
  • Ability to successfully complete the chosen academic program; and
  • Financial necessity of the scholarship.
  • Applications are currently open and will be accepted for the 2025-26 academic year until Wednesday May 14, 2025 at 11:59 P.M. Pacific Time. Apply at: The Rick & Amanda Hansen Scholarship for Youth with Disabilities | Rick Hansen Foundation
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Posted: March 10, 2025

The Mary Majka Scholarship Fund was established in 2014 by Nature NB to honour the legacy of one of our founding members, Mary Majka, with the intent to further youth engagement with nature and our natural heritage.

Mary Majka was an environmental pioneer, TV host, wildlife rehabilitator and outdoor educator … a driving force behind New Brunswick’s first conservation organizations. But it was her fervent defence and preservation of cultural heritage, sensitive habitats, and the wild creatures that share our world that most influenced those around her.

Eligibility and General Scholarship Information

Dr. Mary Majka

The Mary Majka Scholarship Fund is open to New Brunswick students from middle school to those attending an undergraduate program. Awards will be granted on a yearly basis ranging from $250 to $1000, depending on the number of applicants and funds available.

Scholarships will be awarded in three distinct categories:

  1. High School graduates, upon entering a post-secondary education program focusing on nature conservation;
  2. Post-secondary students who is already enrolled in aa post-secondary education program focused on nature conservation; or
  3. Students in middle or high school, for a project focused on nature conservation.

How to Apply

Applications are accepted annually. The deadline to apply is March 31st of the current calendar year. Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by our scholarship committee. Decisions will be made and successful applicants will be notified by the end of May.

Please complete the application form and submit it with all supporting documentation, either by email or postal mail.

  • Submit by email to: Vanessa Roy-McDougall,
  • Submit by mail to: Nature NB, 61 Carleton St., Suite 3, Fredericton NB, E3B 3T2

Applications must be received by Nature NB by 5:00 PM March 31st.


Mary Majka Scholarship - Nature NB

Posted: February 28, 2025

To qualify for this bursary, a student must be Canadian, enrolled full time at a post-secondary learning establishment (cegep, college, university) as of next fall, have an academic average of at least 70%, and require financial aid to continue his/her studies. The electronic application form for this bursary is available between January 1 and April 30th.



$1,500 Scholarships (8 scholarships across Canada)
To qualify for this scholarship candidates must:
• Have achieved a cumulative average of at least 70% in their most recent completed school year. 
• Be enrolled full-time in a college or university starting in September 2025. 
• Demonstrate financial need. 
Deadline: April 30, 2025
Apply at Assumption Life Foundation Scholarships - Student Awards Assumption Life - For Individuals - Assumption Life

Posted: February 28, 2025

The First Nations scholarship is designed to provide financial support to indigenous students, residing in New Brunswick, in the pursuit of their academic dreams. It can be used to cover tuition fees, books and supplies, and other expenses related to higher education. This initiative is part of Assumption Life and its Foundation's ongoing efforts to support native communities, in response to the Truth and Reconciliation's call to action.


To qualify for this scholarship candidates must:
•  Be an Indigenous, Métis or Inuit student;
•  Be a permanent resident or citizen of Canada;
•  Be between the ages of 17 and 29;
•  Have a permanent address in New Brunswick;
•  Be enrolled in an accredited post-secondary educational institution in Canada (university, vocational school, college)1;
•  Be enrolled in a program of at least two years' duration.
•  Deadline is May 30th, 2025
1.  Canadian educational institutions recognized as qualified to award a provincial diploma or their affiliated institutions (e.g. vocational schools, colleges, universities). University preparatory programs, regardless of province or territory, are not eligible.
Applications for the First Nations scholarship must be received by the Assumption Life Foundation no later than May 30 and must include the following elements:   


1. Personal statement: A text of approximately 1,000 words describing the candidate's interests, future goals, financial needs and ties to the indigenous community. Must include answers to the following questions:  
•  Tell us about yourself and your lived experience as an indigenous person?  
•  How have you been active in your indigenous community (e.g., your home community, the community you belong to at university, etc.) and/or in your family? 
•  For those of you who are in the process of reconnecting with your community, how are you going about it?  
•  How has your involvement in your native community helped shape the person you are today?  
•  What do you want to do in life after graduating from post-secondary studies?  
2. Validation of Indigeneity: Proof of indigenous identity must be included in the application submission and can be made in one of two formats: 
•  Letter of Endorsement: Completed by an indigenous community leader, elder or mentor who knows the applicant. The form must be dated within one year of the application deadline and include the reference's contact information and signature.
•  Proof of indigenous identity:
•  A valid Certificate of Indian Status, Status Card or Band Membership Card;  
•  Group letter confirming status;  
•  A Métis membership card or letter issued by Métis National Council, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, Métis Nation organizations of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario, and/or Manitoba Métis Federation;
•  A certified copy of a Nunavut Trust Certificate Card or Inuit Beneficiary Card;
•  A letter of support from Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) or Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CINRAC) or Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated;
•  For non-status people, a letter of support from a First Nation, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) organization.
3. Letters of recommendation: Two (2) letters of recommendation completed by a teacher, instructor, school administrator, employer or community member. The reference must know the candidates academic background, community contributions and involvement in volunteer or extracurricular activities. The reference must support the candidate's post-secondary studies and future goals. The letter must be dated within one year of the application deadline and must include the reference's contact information and signature.

 4. Transcript: Applicants for the scholarship must include one or more transcripts of their most recent and available grades.

 Please fill out this form and ensure all required elements are included: Bourse des Premières Nations - First Nations Scholarship 

Posted: February 28, 2025

What They're Looking For

  • Ethnicity: Aboriginal, Inuit, Metis, or North American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • Program: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
  • Financial Need

Additional Notes

  • Eligible students are First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples in Canada
  • Applicants can be full-time or part-time students attending any post-secondary STEM education program in Canada (this includes web development and coding boot camps) 
  • You must be able to provide verifiable proof of enrolment for courses beginning in Fall of 2025
  • This bursary is intended to support the student in completing their degree and will be sent directly to the institution to be deposited in the student’s university account, wherever possible
  • The selected recipient is not eligible to re-apply for this bursary in the future
  • The award cannot be deferred
  • Questions or concerns? Please send an email to 

About Scholarship

The intention of this bursary is to improve access to technology education for Indigenous students in Canada.

This bursary is intended to support Indigenous students who demonstrate financial need. While we will ask for proof of enrolment, the recipient of the award will be chosen based on financial need, and personal statements of experience found within the application. If you have questions or concerns, please send an email to  


Apply at: Ada - Indigenous STEM Bursary | ScholarTree


Deadline to apply: April 30th, 2025

Posted: February 28, 2025

What They're Looking For

  • Program: Business or Tourism
  • Grades: 75 - 100%
  • Province: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, or Saskatchewan

About Scholarship

This Pathfinder Scholarship is designed to empower future leaders in business or travel and tourism by providing financial support to students who demonstrate outstanding potential, commitment, and drive to make a meaningful impact in their chosen careers.

 Apply at: Pathfinder Scholarship Award | ScholarTree


Deadline to apply: May 30th, 2025

In order to be eligible for a NSNBR Heritage Foundation Educational Bursary, you must be a serving, former or retired member of the Regiment or their spouse, child, grandchild, great-grandchild or a member of a NSNBR Cadet Corps.

Must be registered as a full-time student in a first-year program of a post-secondary school at the time of application. 

Must provide an official document from their academic institution confirming that they are accepted for the following academic year and indicating that a diploma or degree is underway.
Must have sponsorship from an educator that knows the applicant at the same school (secondary school), and a reference letter from him/her.
Must include a personal motivational letter outlining your reasons for application, your goals, and relevant background (no more than one page single spaced).
Must provide an up-to-date transcript of their academic records.
Must submit a resume.
Application deadline
Deadline for application submission through the Association website will be no later than May 2nd, 2025, at 17h00. Applications submitted after this deadline will not be accepted.

File nsnbr_bursary_memo_2025.docx194.79 KB

Posted: February 28, 2025

Eligibility Criteria: 

• This Scholarship is offered to a student who is furthering his Agricultural Education at a University (or) College.

 • Available for students whose parents are (or) were a registered growers with Potatoes New Brunswick. 

• Applicants must be enrolled on a full-time basis and provide a copy of enrollment from College (or) University. 

How to Apply:

 • Applicant must submit there application to: before July 31st, 2025. 

• Please include - your name, address, High School diploma year and School attended

 - name of parents (Farms name with Potatoes NB registration forms)

 - courses intended to be taken - Explain how this degree will be used in the agricultural sector

 - copy of enrollment acceptance 


Note: The award shall be announced in February of each year and awarded at the successfull completion of the first semester. If the first semester has not been successfully completed by the student, the amount will not be paid out. If for any reason you didn’t attend University (or) College after sending your application, please contact the office at (506) 473-3036 so we can omit your application from the list of applicants.


Image Galleries


Betty Mason Memorial Scholarship
Women of Miramichi Entrepreneurial Network Bursary
New Boots: Progressing Women in Trades Scholarship
Robert Mathews Memorial Scholarship

Web Links