Mr. Hallihan - Archived 09/19

MATH HELP... Tuesday's at 12:30 - 1:00 & Wednesday's at 3:30 - 4:30
-  discussed ethical consumerism.-  discussed populations and population growth.-  checked out Stats Canada for some statistics with populations
PDF icon per._4_-_feb._10.pdf445.6 KB
10 EcoPointsCheck out the following website and answer the questions to create your own ecologogical footprint (same as the one we did together in class..choose the detailed version).  Print off results (or capture the image to tweet or send in an email).
-  discussed what an Ecological Footprint actually records.-  did one together...check out results.-  watched the 'Story of Stuff' project.-  watched part 5 from National Geographic Human Footprint series.-  discussed how we can change our ecological footprint.
PDF icon env._sci._120_-_feb._9.pdf611.25 KB

Posted: February 6, 2015

Be sure to take advantage of the following sources for credible information!
-  check out the list of top topics that I have for suggestions.-  be sure to take advantage of the available resources for researching a topic!-  complete your librray plan and pass in on Monday.
-  read article 'Why Fuss About Fracking'-  checked out videos on process and a song!-  discussed other issues in preparation for tomorrow's library day.
PDF icon env._sci._120_-_feb._5.pdf3.38 MB
-  watched Lorax (1972 Dr. Seuss version).-  discussed themes/issues from film.-  reviewed points of view (anthro vs bio vs ecocentric)Check out our new logo...
PDF icon env._sci._120_-_feb._4.pdf3.66 MB
Here are the submissions for the class will be done in class and winner will be used on homepage/twitter account (and get +5 eco-points)! 
-  checked out some facts about Groundhog!-  current environmental issues in the media-  read article on genetically modified salmon-  notes...anthropocentric vs biocentric vs ecocentric*  logos will be judged tomorrow :)
PDF icon env._sci._120_-_feb._2.pdf5.39 MB

Posted: January 30, 2015

5 Points - submit your logo for the course that has theme of MVHS, Environmental Science & Miramichi River+ 5 Points if your logo gets picked on Tuesday!


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Added: Fri, Dec 15 2017


Added: Mon, Jan 22 2018