Mr. Hallihan - Archived 09/19

MATH HELP... Tuesday's at 12:30 - 1:00 & Wednesday's at 3:30 - 4:30

Posted: January 12, 2015

Inventories were to be passed in on January 9th and all activities MUST BE COMPLETED by Jan. 15 unless other arrangements have been made with Mr. Hallihan!

Posted: January 12, 2015

Groups presenting today include... #3 - #4 -

Posted: January 12, 2015

Groups presenting today include... #1 - #2 -

Posted: January 9, 2015

LIBRARY DAY - planning for presentation and/or ecopoint activities REMINDERS... -  ecopoint inventories were due TODAY with listed activities you plan to complete (must be complete by next Friday)    *  Can be sent by email []; copied onto computer desktop folder or passed into Ecopoint Folder. -  Monday you will have access to a classroom to practice your presentation.  We will also draw for order of presentations. -  Tuesday and Wednesday will be presentation days...ALL members must be present and be ready with neccessary items.    * When not presenting you will be involved with the group's activity and doing some peer scoring. -  Thursday will be Exam Review...bring your two unit tests. -  Friday Exam Review Help and Jeopardy Review Questions.

Posted: January 8, 2015

LIBRARY DAY...  preparing for presentation and/or eco-point activities.

Posted: January 8, 2015

LIBRARY DAY...  preparing for presentation, working on lesson plan and/or eco-point activities.

Posted: January 8, 2015

Today we discussed the organization to the presentation...groups, content, organization.Passed back research papers and scoring rubrics.  Check out the following rubric that will be used for the presentation...

Posted: December 19, 2014

ECO-CHALLENGE PROJECT...Reminders Research Paper [Due TODAY] - If you are late, you must send it to me electronically (deduct 10% per day).                                                             E-mail...   Group Presentation - see note below for your group. We will be working on this starting today and continue to work on it when we return after the break. Presentations will be on January 13 & 14th...order to be decided on Monday, Jan. 12th.   Eco-Point Activities - inventory sheets will be collected on Friday, Jan. 9th.  All activities must be completed by Friday, Jan. 16th unless other arrangements have been made with Mr. Hallihan.

Posted: December 17, 2014

Many thanks to MSA Biologist Holly Labadie and Mr. Svarc for helping us out in the lab today...check out these pics!

Posted: December 17, 2014

LAB - Fish Dissection Many thanks to Holly Labadie (Biologist with Miramichi Salmon Association) for helping us out with the lab today.  Also thanks to Cooke Aquaculture for providing two adult salmon and smolts for dissecting.  Check out the attached lesson for those of you who missed the lab.  Must pass in labelled fish diagram showing the external anatomy by Friday. Reminder of what needs to be done this week... 1)  People still owe their library plan from Monday (was due on Tuesday) 2)  Labelled salmon scale from lab on Tuesday (due today) 3)  Labelled salmon showing external anatomy (due by Friday) 4) RESEARCH PAPER (due tomorrow...Friday if there is a storm day) *  Those who were schedule to an elementary class tomorrow - we will reschedule until after the New Year if there is a storm day.  
PDF icon env._sci._120_period_6_-_dec._17.pdf1.11 MB


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Added: Fri, Dec 15 2017


Added: Mon, Jan 22 2018