Mr. Hallihan - Archived 09/19

MATH HELP... Tuesday's at 12:30 - 1:00 & Wednesday's at 3:30 - 4:30

Posted: September 23, 2014

We discussed Charles Darwin (see attached Case Study and link to Biography clip).  Then discussed the terms involved with adaptions and evolution.  Checked out some examples and gave an eco-challenge opportunity (see lesson).

Posted: September 22, 2014

Finished up our notes and discussions on populations.  Introduction to adaptations and eveloution...

Posted: September 18, 2014

We watched a follow-up video that discussed some of the scientific studies that are being conducted on Easter Island.  We discussed the connections to the Lorax and possible future of the Earth.  Also discussed how population terms like exponential growth, logistic growth, carrying capacity and limiting factors can be related in the film.After that, we took some notes on forecasting populations and looked at some interactive websites that study global sure to check ot the links!Reminder to come to period 6 at 1:45 (start of IS) to get attendance and then we will be attending the prep rally.

Posted: September 17, 2014

Today we watched a video on Easter sure to check it out if you missed it!  Tomorrow your lab report is due and we will follow-up the video with some discussion.HOMEWORK:  Lab Report Due FIRST of Class!
PDF icon env._sci._120_period_6_-_sept._17.pdf206.12 KB

Posted: September 16, 2014

We took the first half of class to finish the lab from Friday...lab report is due on Thursday!Handed out notes on populations and discussed Logistic Growth vs Exponential Growth.  

Posted: September 15, 2014

LIBRARY...researching environmental topics/issues.  We will finish up lab tomorrow. HOMEWORK - pass in library plan and work on ecopoints

Posted: September 15, 2014

Today we went to the library to begin researching an environmental topic/issue.  Be sure to complete the attached library plan that describes what you got accomplished...due tomorrow.  If you are absent today, be sure to check out the Research Topics and Research Resources documents!
PDF icon library_plan_-_sept._15.pdf62.73 KB

Posted: September 15, 2014

Here are some issues/topics for a Fisheries theme for the research project.  Also, feel free to search an environmental issue you may have an interest in understanding...
Be sure to use these sites as your research your environmental issue/topic...
PDF icon research_project_-_resources.pdf493.3 KB

Posted: September 12, 2014

Must be handed in at the beginning of report per group.


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Added: Fri, Dec 15 2017


Added: Mon, Jan 22 2018