Mr. Hallihan - Archived 09/19

MATH HELP... Tuesday's at 12:30 - 1:00 & Wednesday's at 3:30 - 4:30

Posted: October 3, 2014

Unit 1 Test

Posted: October 1, 2014

We discussed the solutions to the Unit 1 review...check lesson for all the solutions.  Began Unit 2 - first topic was the organization of sure to get the notes!HOMEWORK:  Unit 1 Test Tomorrow
PDF icon env._sci._120_period_6_-_oct._1.pdf3.59 MB
Early Childhood Services program are looking for donations of recyclable materials.  Item that are popular include... -large clear pop bottles (make sure they are rinsed)-egg cartons-large ice cream containers (make sure they are clean)-large coffee cans-toilet paper rolls-paper towel rolls-tin pie plates-shoe boxes-cereal boxesChelsea and Devan have agreed to organize this venture and tally what was brought.  Bring materials in before Friday to my classroom.1 eco-point per item up to a max of 20 ecopoints!

Posted: September 30, 2014

Gave out the solutions to the crossword puzzle and began working on the review questions.  Reviewed the math formulas (will be given on the test) and explained the variables.  Finish for tomorrow...check solutions by viewing today's lesson.HOMEWORK:  Unit 1 Test on Thursday

Posted: September 30, 2014

Be sure to do the review questions and posted under Sept. 30th.

Posted: September 29, 2014

REVIEW for Unit 1 Test on THURSDAY!  Check out lesson for review questions and crossword terminology puzzle.Gave back Quiz from last Thursday along with lab reports...went over the solutions.

Posted: September 29, 2014

LIBRARY PLAN DAY #2...research the issue and gain information/resources for your chosen topic.HOMEWORK:  Library plan due on Monday and begin reviewing for test.

Posted: September 29, 2014

We watched a couple on Darwin's finches (evolution) and another on Atlantic Salmon Decreasing Populations (environmental issues).  Be sure to check both out!  Quiz on Unit 1 terminology was done second half of class.
PDF icon env._sci._120_period_6_-_sept._25.pdf797.21 KB

Posted: September 24, 2014

We did an online activity involving is in lesson.  Discussed local species and how they adapt to our environment (Boreal Forest).  Visited Hinterlands Who's Who - good website for yesterday's eco challenge.  Watched video that summarizes Darwin's evolution...check out link.HOMEWORK - Terminology Quiz on Environmental Issues & Populations
PDF icon env._sci._120_period_6_-_sept._24.pdf918.14 KB

Posted: September 23, 2014

Be sure to go over key terms discussed so far...-  environmental issues-  fracking article-  populations-  evolution


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