Posted: October 11, 2016
- reviewed Law of Sines lesson from last week
- worked on application questions
- passed back test and went over the solutions
HOMEWORK: 10.10 #1 - 4
Posted: October 11, 2016
- reviewed Law of Sines lesson from last week
- worked on application questions
- passed back test and went over the solutions
HOMEWORK: 10.10 #1 - 4
Posted: October 11, 2016
- reviewed Law of Sines lesson from last week
- worked on application questions
- passed back test and went over the solutions
HOMEWORK: 10.10 #1 - 4
Posted: October 11, 2016
- gave back quiz and discussed solutions
- worked on review and/or ecopoints
Posted: October 5, 2016
- finished review of primary trig ratios
- started Law of Sines...find a side, an angle & solve
HOMEWORK: Exercise 10.9 #1 - 6
Posted: October 5, 2016
- finished review of primary trig ratios
- started Law of Sines...find a side, an angle & solve
HOMEWORK: Exercise 10.9 #1 - 6
Posted: October 5, 2016
- went over answers to the review (see attached lesson)
- discussed EcoPoint opportunities (Nov. 7 must have 1/2 of your points accumulated!)
HOMEWORK: Unit 1 Test will be on some EcoPoint activities over the long weekend!
#EcoPoints - Make your own lip HERE for link
Posted: October 4, 2016
- reviewed primary trig ratios
- finished angles of elevation & depression
Homwork: Be sure to have the following completed... 10.7 #2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11ab and 10.8 #1 - 6
Posted: October 4, 2016
- reviewed primary trig ratios
- finished angles of elevation & depression
Homwork: Be sure to have the following completed... 10.7 #2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11ab and 10.8 #1 - 6
Posted: October 4, 2016
Guest Speaker...Melanie Cripps from Greater Miramichi Regional Service Commission
Many thanks to Melanie for taking the time to do this presentation and for bringing us our composter!
Posted: September 28, 2016
HOMEWORK: Booklet Exercise 10.9 #2 - 5, #10, #11ab