Mr. Valanne

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Posted: November 21, 2012

Act II questions and soliloquy work due tomorrow.

Posted: November 21, 2012

NOVEMBER 27th - Remembrance Day Assignment Due (40) NOVEMBER 26th - Editorial Due (30) NOVEMBER 26th - Editorial Cartoon Due (40)

Posted: November 15, 2012

You are to finish Act I for Monday.  I have attached the audio files for scenes 4 and 5.  Listen to them and complete the following:   Act I Scene iii 1. According to Laertes, why should Ophelia not believe Hamlet's professions of love? 2.  What advice does he give her regarding honour?  What is Ophelia's response? 3.  Make note of Polonius's advice to Laertes. 4.  What does Polonius's advice reveal about his character?  What type of father is he? Act I Scene iv 1. How does Hamlet feel about the drunken revelry? 2. What mixed feelings does Hamlet have after seeing the Ghost? 3. Why doesn’t Horatio want Hamlet to follow the Ghost? Act I Scene v A. Comment on the following lines.  State who is speaking, what is being said, and identify any poetic/dramatic devices. 1.  Lines  10 – 13     2.  Lines 29 – 30     3.  Lines 36 – 40     4.   Lines 42 – 46   5.  Lines 59 – 64 6.  Lines 80 – 91 B.  Hamlet’s 2nd soliloquy is found below.  Do a close reading.  (Lines 92 -109) O all you host of heaven! O earth! what else? And shall I couple hell? O, fie! Hold, hold, my heart; And you, my sinews, grow not instant old, But bear me stiffly up. Remember thee! Ay, thou poor ghost, while memory holds a seat In this distracted globe. Remember thee! Yea, from the table of my memory I'll wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past, That youth and observation copied there; And thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain, Unmix'd with baser matter: yes, by heaven! O most pernicious woman! O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain! My tables,--meet it is I set it down, That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain; At least I'm sure it may be so in Denmark:   THIS WILL BE COLLECTED MONDAY AND MARKED OUT OF 25.

Posted: November 14, 2012

Photo essays due tomorrow Bring in your three articles (one from CBC, one from BBC, and one from CNN) for class

Posted: November 14, 2012

Finish the questions for Act I Sc i of Hamlet for tomorrow.  Question number 4 is especially important.

Posted: November 12, 2012

Sports article due tomorrow (Tuesday) Photo essay due Thursday Remembrance Day project due on the 27th

Posted: November 9, 2012

Here are the groups folks.  I did my best to get everyone placed where they wanted.  I had to shuffle a couple of you. You should read and become familiar with your soliloquy over the weekend.  See you Tuesday!   Soliloquy 1  =   Dylan, Tyler Soliloquy 2 =    McKenzie, Megan Soliloquy 3 =   Kaitlyn, Kathryn, Monika, Kathleen, Melissa Soliloquy 4 =   Randi, Laura, Jillian Hawkes Soliloquy 5 =   Kirstyn Soliloquy 6 =   Zach, Safwaan, Lucas Soliloquy 7 =  Mitchell, Quinn, Jillian Hache, Nicole    


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Added: Thu, Apr 21 2016