Mrs. Pleadwell

Graduation 2018

Posted: February 4, 2016

Parents:  Please read how students can get a bonus mark.

File bbt_9_course_outline.docx15.94 KB
Microsoft Office document icon course_outline.doc29.5 KB

Posted: January 18, 2016

A review list in both Word and PDF format attached for the final exam which will be Day 5 at 8:45.

Posted: January 7, 2016

Microsoft Office document icon career_cruising_assignment_2016.doc57.5 KB

Posted: October 28, 2015

File infertility_lesson_handout_2015.docx502.84 KB
See my course outline on how to get bonus marks.

Posted: May 27, 2015

File weebly_notes_2015.docx19.63 KB
Office spreadsheet icon mark_sheet_2015.xls34.5 KB

Posted: May 20, 2015

Microsoft Office document icon prezi_rubric_2.doc45 KB

Posted: April 7, 2015

This project will take you about 8 classes (working with a partner).  This is how the marks will be distributed.  Use the following website to assist you once you get "Grade 9", and "PowerPoint 2010".  Select "Activity 1", "Recreate a Show" to find your "Puppy Slide Show Creation Guide" and Activity 1 - Parts A, B and C for your demonstration videos.



Prezi for Career Cruising
BBT 9 Email Assignment
Family Living - Hands assignment
Role Model Assignment for Family Living 120