Ms. Hackett

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: October 28, 2015

Review all new material covered this week, there are many new concepts and terms.   HomeworkAnswer questions 1-6 on page 161

Posted: October 27, 2015

TAKE OUR KIDS TO WORK  Take Our Kids to Work  is an annual program in which Grade 9 students are hosted by parents, friends, relatives and volunteers at workplaces across the country every November. The program supports career development by helping students connect school, the world of work, and their own futures. Take Our Kids to Work™ is our signature program which began in 1994 in the Greater Toronto area. Today, students across Canada, from Nunavut to Newfoundland participate in the program. Take Our Kids to Work™ provides Grade nine students with the opportunity to experience and learn about the world of work as they begin to explore possible career paths. November 4, 2015 will be the 21st Anniversary of Take Our Kids to Work™! We hope to make it our biggest year yet.  All students are asked to return to their forms to the period 1 teacher by Friday October 30th.  Please let students know that there will be no regular classes on November 4th. 

Posted: October 26, 2015

DevoirsPg 153 Q 1,2,3,5,6 Re-quiz for those who did not receive 70%, study the diagrams and definitions.

Posted: October 22, 2015

Cell quiz tomorrow (Friday) be able to recognize the parts of the cell and know the function of each part.  
Binary Data cells_intro.notebook1.11 MB
PDF icon cells_intro.pdf2.03 MB

Posted: October 20, 2015

Complete the labelling, coloring and decribing the parts of the cell

Posted: October 14, 2015

Complete assigned questions for homework

Posted: October 14, 2015

Test MONDAY on sections covered from Chapters 15 & 16, please go through the review sheet to prepare for the test.

Posted: October 7, 2015

Create a presentation of music themes from current popular songs of this era versus popular songs from your parents or grandparents era.  You must have a title page, 2 pages with names of three bands, a song from each band and a link to the songs , one page with your current music and one page with parents or grandparents music.  A final page comparing the similiarities and differences in the music from two different eras. Indicate the genre of each song selected

Posted: October 6, 2015

Complete the assigned questions from pages 488-490 of the  textbook
Microsoft Office document icon voyager_dans_lespace6501.doc23.5 KB

Posted: October 6, 2015

Chap 2 quiz Wednesday See review attached Video on latitude
PDF icon chap_2_revue.pdf106.99 KB


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Added: Fri, Jan 18 2019