Ms. Hackett

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: December 6, 2010

Map of Canada Species at Risk

Posted: December 6, 2010

Committee on the Status of Endangered wildlife in Canada

Posted: December 6, 2010

Dept of Fisheries and Oceans species at risk

Posted: December 6, 2010

Parks Canada Species at Risk

Posted: December 6, 2010

Species at Risk

Posted: December 1, 2010

Food Web project is due Friday.  Students were given time in class today and last Friday to research information.  The project is to be completed as a poster.   Period 3 tomorrow will have a boomerang activity.     

Posted: December 1, 2010

Newton's Laws Project is due tomorrow, this can be a video or a skit demonstrating & explaining the laws.   Worksheet assigned today in class is due to Friday.

Posted: November 29, 2010

Took notes on the drop in frog populations, why frogs are important and what some of the causes are.   Started the video "The Vanishing Frog" will continue with it tomorrow.   Students have a food web project due friday, they should be working on this at home.  They will be given one more class period on Wednesday.

Posted: November 29, 2010

Completed notes and example for drawing graphs of distance and time to indicate speed by determining the slope of the line.   Assigned terms to be completed for Wednesday as well as the worksheet on significant figures and conversions.   Termes vocabulaires - Ecrivez les definitions   1. distance: 2. intervalle de temps: 3. vecteur: 4. vecteur vitesse: 5. instantané: 6. vitesse: 7. accélération: 8. précision: 9. marge d'erreur: 10. mouvement linéaire: 11. taux de variation: 12. Scalaire 13. Déplacement        Tuesday students will be working on their Newton's Laws project and should have all necessary materials with them.

Posted: November 26, 2010

Students were given the period to research and begin planning how they are going to demonstrate the Three laws of Newton in a video or skit for next Thursday.  The students will be given one more period next Tuesday to work in their groups on this project, time outside of class will most likely be required to complete the assignment.


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Added: Fri, Jan 18 2019