Ms. Kingston - Archived 09/23

Wash your hands

Posted: April 14, 2020

Here is the latest information we have received regarding credits for high school students...


Students will be granted a "credit" for any high school course that they were enrolled in at the time of the school disruption.  There will be two different designations on student transcripts for these courses.  The default on transcripts for all students will be "Credit-Enrolled" for every course they were enrolled in during second semester.  However, at the discretion of the subject teacher this designation can be changed to "Credit - Passed" if students actively complete the home learning component and demonstrate an understanding of the outcomes."


The question remains; what will be the difference?  Unfortunately, we do not have any concrete answers for you at this time other than both scenarios will grant you the credit and put you in a position to continue on to the next school year as if you passed all of your second semester courses and this situation did not happen. 


I can assure you that ANY student actively participating in the home learning material that is provided will be given every opportunity possible to be awarded "Credit - Passed" in my courses.  I will be emailing those who have emailed me in HS110.

Media Studis 120 & PDCP 10 info is in TEAMS.  Read last weeks note for Entrepreneurship 110.

Posted: April 6, 2020

PDF icon entrepreneurship_course_outline.pdf8.97 KB

These are some strange times and some very different times in terms of your learning for the semester.  We are still working through the details of what will be required of you in your courses.  Everybody has more questions than answers at the moment. In the interests of continuing your education through these times, we will be offering Learning Opportunities on our school website through our Teacher pages.

Teams have been set up through Office 365 for Media Studies 120 and PDCP 10.  If you are in these courses and are not able to access Teams please email me.  We can work something out if you want to do work in those courses. 


While we wait for more information, remember to stay at home as much as you can and listen to the health professionals and their recommendations.  I hope you are staying virtually connected with friends and family and that you are staying safe. 


Stay safe and let me know if you have any concerns.

Posted: April 5, 2020

PDF icon course_outline_ms_120_1.pdf8 KB

Posted: April 5, 2020


Mr R Stewarts page has a link to a 5 minute video on how to get Office 365.

Some other info as well.  



Posted: March 24, 2020

Posted: January 28, 2016

File yoga_110_course_outline.docx13.72 KB

Posted: November 18, 2014

There will be no mark on the Midterm REPORT Card.   The important comment to look for is either "Working toward their contract mark" or "Not fulfilling their contract mark". Some students have too many absences to reach their proposed mark, or are not working to their potential. Ask your daughter or son what their contract mark is.   A few students are in danger of not getting the credit due to absences.

Posted: March 14, 2013

For those who have "lost" their work, open the attachment(s).



Entrepreneurship Course Outline
MS120 Course Outline
Human Services 110 Course Outline