Due to the bus delay, period 3 exams will begin at 9:45 today. The afternoon ELPR session will start on time at 12:30. If you have any questions, please contact scott.jamieson@nbed.nb.ca
Exams take place from January 23rd to January 26th. Attached is the exam schedule as well as a document for students called "what to expect during exam week" which includes when to be at school, what to bring, storm day cancelations, etc. Also, the ELPA will be taking place for grade 9 students during class time, the week of January 16th to 20th. Grade 11 and 12 students will write the afternoon of January 24th. Buses will run as usual and the cafeteria will be open every morning, but only for lunch Monday to Wednesay. If you have any questions, please contact
The 30th Annual Miramichi Hoop Giant Tiger Classic will take place from November 17-19. This tournament is co-hosted by Miramichi Valley High School and James M Hill High School.
Report cards went home yesterday. Parent teacher interviews will be held on Thursday, November 17th from 4-6pm and Friday, November 18th from 9-11:30. Students do not have school on Friday. Students also received a parent letter on how to access attendance and report card marks in Power School. This letter contains your access ID and password. If you have any questions regarding the use of Power School, please call the main office at 627-4083.