Ms. Hackett Notes

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Posted: October 3, 2012

Complete the attached questions for homework (also Word document attached) La vie d’une étoile (pages 468-471) 1.    Explique ce qu’est l’attraction universelle. 2.    Qu’est-ce qu’est une nébuleuse? 3.    Explique comment une nébuleuse se transforme en étoile (3 étapes). 4.    Qu’est-ce qui arrive quand l’étoile a consommé tous les combustibles nécessaires à la production d’énergie? 5.    Qu’est-ce qu’est une supernova?  Durant cette phase qu’est-ce qui arrive au cœur de l’étoile?      ** Lorsque notre Soleil gonflera et se transformera en géante rouge, ses couches externes grossiront.  Ses dimensions seront alors multipliées par 100 et il engloutira Mercure, Vénus, la Terre et peut-être même Mars. 6.    Qu’est-ce qu’est une étoile à neutrons? 7.    Qu’est-ce qu’est un pulsar? 8.    Quel type d’étoile peut éventuellement se transformer en trou noir? 9.    Qu’est-ce qu’est un trou noir?      ** Le terme « trou » porte à confusion parce qu’il laisse entendre qu’il n’y a là que le néant.  En réalité, c’est une énorme quantité de matière comprimée en une sphère de quelques kilomètres de diamètre.  Sa densité est telle que la masse d’un trou noir gros comme le poing équivaudrait à la masse d’environ 10 milliards d’automobile. 10.                       Décris l’évolution d’une étoile de faible masse et celle d’une étoile qui possède 10 fois la masse du Soleil. 11.                       Explique les termes géantes rouges, supergéantes rouges et naine blanche. 12.                       Explique comment une étoile évolue de la maturité à la mort.               **Familiarise-toi avec la figure 2 de la page 469  
Microsoft Office document icon la_vie_dune_etoile9532.doc23 KB

Posted: October 2, 2012

Prepare for the test tomorrow!!   Some students still owe Plant cell models

Posted: October 2, 2012

Test was written today, if you were absent please be prepared to write it upon return to school.    Homework Read page 466 Read pages 468-471  and answer questions 1-3  

Posted: October 1, 2012


Posted: October 1, 2012

Test tomorrow, Study!!   Website for scientifique notation  

Posted: September 28, 2012

Test Tuesday All material covered to date including the cellparts and functions, abiogenesis and biogenesis, the parts of the scientific method, parts of the compound microscope, how to determine field of view size, specimen size, prepare a wet mount, two types of cells, specifics about the cell membrane, active and passive transport   Last slide of notes Exocytosis In the process of exocytosis, cells release large amounts of material from the cell.  THe membrane of the vacuole surrounding the material fuses with the cell membrane forcing the contents out of the cell.   The removal of water by a contractile vacuole is an example of this type of transport.

Posted: September 28, 2012

Review handout in class and crossword to be completed for Monday.  A list of material the students are responsible for is also listed on another sheet handed out.  Both are attached to this note.

Posted: September 27, 2012

PLANT CELL MODELS DUE TOMORROW!!   Hand in lab sheet from onion and cheek cell if you have not already.  

Posted: September 27, 2012

Complete the following questions for homework P 453 Q 1,2 & 7   P 463 Q 1, 2 & 3   TEST on information from Chap 13 & 14 on Tuesday, Oct 2, 2012 

Posted: September 26, 2012

Cell Model Project due Friday Test coming up on all material covered to date on Tuesday Oct 2, 2012 Thurday Cell lab - please read the attachment to be prepared for the lab, you will only have one period to complete it.
Microsoft Office document icon celllab.doc116.5 KB

Posted: September 25, 2012

Bring in material for time in class to work on cell model project.  Or students may choose to work on the written component on the function of the organelles   Remember to provide more specific details about the function of the following organelle in the planet cell:  

Posted: September 25, 2012

Complete the summary of the movie Contact.

Posted: September 24, 2012

Read the information on the quick lab page 187

Posted: September 24, 2012

Planet project Due Tuesday, Sept 25/12  Presentation of material on the groups specific planet, a model and completion  of the table with information on all the planets. 

Posted: September 24, 2012

Plant cell Model project- the plant cells are due Friday Sept 28/12  Please label all organelle and provide a description of the function of each organelle.  
