Posted: January 12, 2017
- more sketching of quadratics & properties
- switching from vertex to standard form
HOMEWORK: Finish worksheet from yesterday...standard form column!
Posted: January 12, 2017
- more sketching of quadratics & properties
- switching from vertex to standard form
HOMEWORK: Finish worksheet from yesterday...standard form column!
Posted: January 12, 2017
- characteristics for a healthy river
- river restoration
Be sure to check out the notes!
Posted: January 11, 2017
- review of transformations...gave solutions to homework exercise.
- discussion of quadratic properties...see notes
HOMEWORK: Worksheet #1 (omit standard form column) and #2 (be sure to find y intercept for sketches)
Posted: January 11, 2017
- discussion of watershed and groups that focus on them... MREAC and CRI
- properties of a river...see notes
Posted: January 10, 2017
- properties of the quadratic...see notes.
HOMEWORK EXERCISE to be completed!
Posted: January 10, 2017
- properties of the quadratic...see notes.
HOMEWORK EXERCISE to be completed!
Posted: January 10, 2017
- review of lessons done before the break.
- started into discussion of watersheds...see notes.
- important dates have been noted on this webpage.
#EcoPoints...Create a garden from old produce (we have tray & soil...just need vegetables & herbs)
Posted: January 10, 2017
See attached scoring rubric for the presentation as well as the peer evaluation component.
Posted: December 22, 2016
Unit Test on Investing/Borrowing money
Posted: December 22, 2016
#EcoPoints...see attached for duties!
Posted: December 21, 2016
Review for test...practice and prepare from questions in text!
Posted: December 21, 2016
Review for test...practice and prepare from questions in text!
Posted: December 21, 2016
Episode 4 from Wild Canada...list and classify 5 species interactions.
Posted: December 20, 2016
- finished buy/lease/rent options
- went over quiz solutions on investing money
- began review for test...THURSDAY!
HOMEWORK: Practice and review for test on Chp. 8/9
Posted: December 20, 2016
- finished buy/lease/rent options
- went over quiz solutions on investing money
- began review for test...THURSDAY!
HOMEWORK: Practice and review for test on Chp. 8/9