Posted: February 21, 2024
A $100 bursary is open to any members of Guiding in Coastal Shore Area, who are graduating and going on to post-secondary education (does not have to be university).
Applications must include:
1. Completed Application
2. Proof of acceptance is required. Late acceptance might be considered.
3. Candidates must send a handwritten letter stating their involvement in Guiding, community, and school activities, as well as their educational plans. Marks may not play a role in the awarding of this bursary. No typed or emailed applications will be accepted.
Completed applications must be mailed to:
Miramichi Trefoil Guild
c/o Anne Bracken
1141 Wellington Street
Miramichi, NB
E1N 4N7
Applications must be received or postmarked by May 31st, 2024. No consideration will be given to letters received after that date.