Mr. Hallihan - Archived 09/19

MATH HELP... Tuesday's at 12:30 - 1:00 & Wednesday's at 3:30 - 4:30
For those of you who may have an interest in these species there is a consultation process underway regarding the status of these species. Here are some links for those who are interested in voicing their opinion and/or becoming more informed about the issues...   Adding Striped Bass to the Species at Risk:     Species at Risk Interactice Questionaire on Striped Bass:     DFO Striped Bass Survey:     DFO Atlantic Salmon Survey:

Posted: November 25, 2014

We discussed predators to the Atlantic Salmon and watched a video on sea lamprey.  We also discussed the Striped Bass population and the proposal to change their status on the Species at Risk list. 
PDF icon env._sci._120_period_6_-_nov._25.pdf6.63 MB

Posted: November 24, 2014

Outline... written content must 4 - pages in length...12 font, double spaced, Times New Roman also include a title page and a references page use MLA referencing DUE DECEMBER 18th  
PDF icon research_paper_scoring_rubric.pdf54.33 KB

Posted: November 24, 2014

Library Day...Begin work on writing your research paper.  I have attached the scoring rubric that will be used to help guide you in the writing process.  Written content must be 4 - 5 pages in length (12 font, double spaced, Times New Roman).  Extra pages include a title page and a references page.  DUE DECEMBER 18th so start working on it NOW!
PDF icon research_paper_scoring_rubric.pdf54.33 KB

Posted: November 24, 2014

GUEST SPEAKERS...Linwood Dunham (Environmental Technology Instructor) and Kathryn Allain (Admissions) from NBCC Miranmichi were on hand to taklk about their programs.

Posted: November 19, 2014

Adaptations of the Atlantic Salmon...check out the PowerPoint presentation with notes.

Posted: November 18, 2014

Tony:  Here are some slides from Unit 3 : Ecology of the Miramichi Watershed

Posted: November 18, 2014

Linwood Dunham, an instructor at NBCC Miramichi, will be stopping by to discuss the Environmental Technology program.

Posted: November 18, 2014

Life Cycle of the Salmon...stages and development.
PDF icon env._sci._120_period_6_-_nov._18.pdf2.48 MB

Posted: November 17, 2014

Check out the poets amongst us...


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